From Guilt to Acceptance

From Guilt to Acceptance (Image)

Guilt—one could write books about it and hundreds were. Many people experience guilt—sometimes, often or all the time (I used to belong to the last group). I could easily say that everyone knows this feeling to a different degree. Guilt is a feeling I know very well. Guilt and I used to be “Besties”—as my older daughter would say it—best friends. During some periods in my life or, to be honest, most of my life, I felt guilty all the time.

I felt guilty about something I did and should not do…
I felt guilty about something I did not do and should have done…
I felt guilty that I said too much or…not enough…
I felt guilty for eating, drinking or…for starving myself…
I felt guilty for mistreating my body that way.

Guilt was right next to me when I bought something I thought I did not deserve.
“Save the money for something better instead!” I have heard Guilt whisper into my ear.
I could list many other examples which brought Guilt and myself to be such close friends.

I would like to write of how things have changed for me in recent years, though. For a few years now I have worked hard on accepting what I do and say with love and kindness—without criticism and self-judgment—to help me stop feeling guilty.
It worked!
It really did!

First it was hard for me to even recognize when I felt guilty, to describe the body symptoms which accompanied that emotion. Slowly—taking one moment at a time—I was able to notice when I felt guilty, feel the emotion, be with it and then learn to let it go. The more I did it, the easier it got to let go of the guilt. My good friend, Guilt, soon had to take a back burner as acceptance, self-love, and confidence replaced it.

Many things—situations, events, people—which caused guilt in me in the past, do not affect me this way any more. I understood there was nothing for me to feel guilty about and changed my behavior.
Sometimes, I notice the feeling of tightness in my chest, the faster heartbeat.
“Oh no! Guilt again!” The moment I say those few words aloud to myself…it leaves me.

I would like to say that it is a beautiful feeling to live with understanding and acceptance that whatever I do, say, how I live, and who I am, is just RIGHT!
The freedom I feel and the love I have for myself does not allow guilt to live in my body any longer.

  • ...with Love and Kindness
  • Karina

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